Diaper rash is a common skin condition that affects the skin covered by a diaper. This usually affects the child in his first few years. The common cause of nappy rash is when the baby sits on wet or dry diapers for too long and exposed to urine or feces that leads to irritation and inflammation.
My husband and I were very careful in keeping our baby diaper rash-free. But when our baby was around 5 months old, at the time he was introduced to solids, he was pooping frequently than normal as his body tries to get the hang digesting solid food. This went on for a week and even though we changed him more frequently this time, his skin got irritated for the poop and constant wiping.
The best way to prevent diaper rash is to make sure baby does not sit on wet or dirty diapers for too long and to apply diaper cream on the baby’s skin frequently regardless if there is a rash or not.
Sharing with you the products we used and found effective in preventing and treating diaper rash. I found that I used some products more regularly on a daily basis but use more effective and medicated ones when there is redness or rashes to prevent it from getting worst.

Daily Diaper Cream Products
Mustela Diaper Rash Cream – It is a vitamin barrier cream that prevents, soothes and helps skin recover from rashes. This is formulated to minimize the risk of allergic reaction hence we used this as our daily diaper cream. On a daily basis if your baby does not have excessive urine or poop, this is very helpful in keeping away redness and rashes. The only downside for this is that you need to use a thick layer on clean and dry skin which means finishing the tube pretty quickly.
Aquaphor Baby Healing Ointment Advanced Therapy Skin Protectant – We use the Aquaphor, a hypoallergenic skin protectant the folds in the nappy area. This is somewhat like a petroleum jelly but I would say more hydrating and lasts longer on the skin. I also used this on the baby’s chin (very thinly) when Koa started having teething rashes. It does not smell, so he does not flinch when I apply it in his chin or neck area. I find that this is helpful when keeping redness and rashes the groin and thigh folds area where I usually place it.
Vaseline Baby Healing Jelly – This is petroleum jelly specifically for baby’s diaper area. We use this to keep baby’s skin area from the urine and to keep it moisturized. It is important to use this on dry skin because it may trap moisture and may cause rashes if not. It helps prevent diaper rash and economically wise to use since it comes in a large tub. It does lessen the itch of a dry patch of eczema or rash if there is any. We use this for daily and also when there is mild redness but not rashes or eczema patches.
Medicated Diaper Cream Products
Calmoseptine – We use this for diaper rash especially when it looks worse than normal. The ointment is very thick and seems to be so concentrated. We bought a tube on Shop and can be a bit expensive but it’s the most effective of all diaper rash creams/ointments we’ve used. We use this mainly on the baby’s anus area and saw healing started on the 2nd day of use. It stays longer on the skin and protecting it from wetness that worsens the rash. My baby’s doctor recommended to use this in any form or rash. But this does not need any prescription and is readily available in pharmacies in the Philippines. It may also come in sachet which is economic since you only need a little each application. The downside to this is that it is difficult to take/wipe off, so it is better to clean the bum with water and gentle soap when you use this.
Aquaphor 3 in 1 Diaper Rash Cream – This is the medicated version of the Aquaphor Baby Healing Ointment Advanced Therapy Skin Protectant we use daily. It is fragrance and paraben-free and has 15% Zinc Oxide and Provitamin B5 that creates an effective barrier to protect skin. It has thinner consistency compared to Sudocrem or Calmoseptine, so the product glides easily on it. It also stays well on the skin but also comes easily off when wiped or washed.
Mustela Cicastela Moisture Recovery Cream – I was not able to use this on my baby’s diaper rash area since I purchased it nearly when the rash has healed. By the time it was delivered, the nappy rash has completely healed. However, I used this on teething or drool rash on the cheeks and chin. I found it helped clear the rash in a few days time. I would apply a thin layer to clean and dry skin twice a day. It is 91% made from natural ingredients and safe to use near baby’s mouth and in any part of his body.
Sudocrem – When it comes to diaper rashes, one of the most familiar product is Sudocrem. Sudocrem is a medicated rash cream that is used not only in babies but also by adults. It is an antiseptic healing cream for nappy rash, eczema, surface wounds, minor burns, bed sores, etc. It is widely used in hospitals as well. We used this when my baby had a mild to moderate diaper rash and preventing it to worsen. We found this very effective alongside Calmoseptine. This does not need any prescription and is available in some pharmacies in the Philippines or online. One tub can go a long way since you only a thin layer is required using this product.
Since we frequently change Koa’s diapers, I do not use the products every diaper change since the skin does not sit on wet or dirty diaper for too long. But I do use it after a poop session and once after his bath/ash up times in the morning and evening. My ultimate favorites are Mustela Diaper Cream and Aquaphor Baby Healing Ointment Advanced Therapy Skin Protectant for daily use when there is no redness or rash on the skin.
READ: Treating the Nasty Nappy or Diaper Rash
But for cases like when baby had multiple poop per day sessions and may have developed redness or rash from it, I prefer to use Calmoseptine, Aquaphor 3 in 1 Diaper Rash Cream, and Sudocrem. I do not use the product all at the same time. I rotate it every day or two days when needed.
These baby products are only good when you use it properly. Make sure that the baby’s skin is clean and dry before using. These products may work for my baby and may not necessarily mean it may work for yours. It is good to test and try before fully committing to just one product.
Where you can find the baby items we use:
- Mustela Diaper Rash Cream
- Aquaphor Baby Healing Ointment Advanced Therapy Skin Protectant
- Vaseline Baby Healing Jelly
- Calmoseptine
- Aquaphor 3 in 1 Diaper Rash Cream
- Mustela Cicastela Moisture Recovery Cream
- Sudocrem
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