I’ll be on an eco-adventure with a few blogger friends this weekend. I’ve been on an Iligan City waterfalls series for some time now and I’ve only covered three, yet, of the 23 waterfalls that Iligan City hosts in it’s terrain: the Ma. Cristina Falls, Tinago Falls, and the Mimbalot Falls. Here’s one to add to that. I know there are a few accessible waterfalls around Iligan City, but I’m trying out the big ones first, ika -nga, this is for the show! LOL!

ACTIVITY: Nature Hike: Spelunking and Swimming
DESTINATION: Hindang Waterfalls and Cave
LOCATION: Brgy. Hindang, Iligan City; 20km from city proper
ESTIMATED BUDGET: 200-300Php (Fare: City proper – Brgy. Kiwalan – Brgy. Hindang)
+Hiking shoes/Sandals
+Cotton Shirt & Leggings
+Backpack & Cap
+Cameras and other gadgets I guess
+Bottled Water
+Lunch; some extra food to munch on & keep me happy
+Extra Shirt/Shorts, Swimsuit ofcourse!
+Small Towel/Scarf
+Umbrella if it gets too hot
+Flashlight for spelunking
+Emergency Kit and other MUST bring stuff
Travel by road 15mins or so, and take the trail which supposedly is good for 2 hours on foot. Get to the cave first since it’s furthest from the main highway. After we go through, some if not all, 6-8 cave clusters, we feed on our packed-lunch and make our way back to the trail and take the other forked road that leads to Hindang Waterfalls.
Narrow cave passageways! But I’m mentally preparing myself for that. It’s one of those things you don’t want to do but would enjoy doing it anyways. I’m up for this for the experience! Woohoo! LOL!
Taking a dip at Hindang Falls lagoon! Yey!
The Hindang Waterfalls and Cave is a territory that only a few have ventured to. I’ve tried researching for routes and hiking trail, previous trekkers may have taken. Sadly, you don’t get post like that because those who had gone there had not posted up their experiences blow by blow. So I wrote to a couple few people I thought could help me on this trip but none of them replied. So my last resort was to write an email to Iligan City Tourism Office because I was pretty sure that they can point me to the right direction or to the right people that could help me out. The reply was very short of the very formal email I sent them. It turns out that I knew the people maintaining the I.C. Tourism Office website — truly a blessing in disguise! Thanks to Sir Pat and Ma’am Binky, am off to Hindang confidently knowing I won’t get lost along the way and amidst the stalactites! LOL! ’til my Hindang entry..^^
Part1: Adventure Planning Mode
Part2: Attractions & Directions To Brgy. Hindang
Part3: Ambitiously Trekking the Hindang Cave Trail
Part4: Spelunking at Hindang Cave
Part5: Hindang Falls
Part1: Adventure Planning Mode
Part2: Attractions & Directions To Brgy. Hindang
Part3: Ambitiously Trekking the Hindang Cave Trail
Part4: Spelunking at Hindang Cave
Part5: Hindang Falls
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed
by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.
So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor.
Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain