I was so tired from my Hindang Adventures that I was adamant on taking travelling, but that was my maternal grandparents death anniversary — so I had to go. I only agreed to travel if my mom and I would stop by the Fort Santiago of Ozamis City. It was my first time to visit the Fort Santiago even if I’ve traveled down this road since my toddler days.
My mom hailed from the Green City of the Philippines — Oroquieta City, but never once did we, as family, stopped by the Fort Santiago. This trip, I made it a plan to visit the lonely fort of Ozamiz by the bay.

We started off our travel from Iligan City, taking the Rural Transit bus for Ozamis City. It was a weekend, and commuters from Lanao Del Norte to Ozamis City is usually in heaps on the weekends. Good thing my mom and I started early on the road. We took a barge or the Daima’s Roll On, Roll Off (RORO) ferries that transports passengers, cars/trucks and goods across the Panguil Bay.
Here’s a sight to take. Less than 5minutes from the Mucas port is this sight not to disregard. Lining the shore are thick mangrove plantation by the locals, playfully framing the bay. Mangroves are either tree or shrubs growing in saline coastal habitat, it helps in anchoring erosion, as well as, host young marine organism as it networks the it’s coastal food webs.

Ozamis is officially known as OZAMIZ with a “Z”, unfortunately, I was one of those that knew no better using the Ozamis term for some time now. So, I guess, we can start off, thogether — or I , alone, with knowing Ozamiz with the “Z”. When we got to city, we headed directly off to Cotta Shrine, which is at the right side of the Ozamiz Port (Map : HERE).
Before I loose you. The Fort Satiago was built by Jesuit Fr. Jose Ducos in the 1700’s and is also known as Kota, or what it is now spelled as, Cotta. It is an old Spanish seafront Cotta Fort called Fuerza de Senora De Concepcion del Triunfo de Pangsi, and its western walls now hold the Cotta Shrine of the miraculous growing image of Nuestra Señora del Triunfo (Our Lady of Triumph).
Am I am about to go through it’s gates and visit this fort by the Panguil Bay.
+ Commute! If you’re travelling solo or less that 5, it is better to commute. Saves the carbon footprint and helps the environment too..^^
+ Commute! If you’re travelling solo or less that 5, it is better to commute. Saves the carbon footprint and helps the environment too..^^
+ Don’t just stay inside the ferry boat. Get out and check out the Ozamis from Mucas’ point of view. It’s nice to travel when the sun is about to rise or set. But best if you travel early. Commuting crowd is thick during the early evening.
+ Bring your cap / hat / bandanna / Headware just because. Rarely does is it windy but you can never tell.
You might like to read and check the rest of the OZAMIZ CITY SERIES:
“Like all great travellers,
I have seen more than I remember,
and remember more than I have seen.“
~Benjamin Disraeli