Being a mom is an incredible journey, full of love, laughter, and moments that make your heart swell with pride. But let’s be real—it’s also exhausting, overwhelming, and sometimes downright impossible to juggle everything without feeling like you’re losing yourself in the process. When I was pregnant, I thought I came into motherhood somewhat prepared. I read a lot of books, surrounded myself with my mom friends, set up some chores that we could delegate and the sorts. Between managing the household, caring for the kids, and possibly even balancing a career, it’s easy to put your needs on the back burner. And I have found myself struggling and lost in my dailys as a mother.

But here’s the thing: to be the best mom you can be, you need to take care of yourself too. So, how do you do it all without losing yourself? Here are some tips that have helped me find that elusive balance.

1. Prioritize Self-Care Like It’s a Non-Negotiable

It’s easy to say, “I don’t have time for self-care.” But the truth is, if you don’t make time, no one else will. I always put myself last, and that was my big problem. I made sure everyone was taken cared for but myself. So whether it’s a morning walk, a hot cup of coffee before the kids wake up, or a weekly yoga class, carve out time just for you. Think of it as recharging your batteries—without it, you’ll eventually run out of steam.

2. Learn to Say No

As moms, we often feel the need to be everything to everyone. But sometimes, the most empowering word you can say is “no.” You don’t have to be the room mom, volunteer for every event, or bake the perfect cupcakes for every occasion. It’s okay to step back and focus on what truly matters to you and your family.

3. Delegate and Share the Load

You’re not in this alone, even though it may feel like it sometimes. Sometimes we feel that it is better to do it ourselves – we don’t have to explain when and how things should be done and spare ourselves the frustration when things are not done the way we wanted it. But it is important to delegate tasks to your partner, involve your kids in chores, and don’t be afraid to ask for help from friends or family. Sharing the load doesn’t mean you’re failing; it means you’re smart enough to know when to ask for support.

4. Set Boundaries Between Work and Home Life

For working moms, the lines between professional life and home life often blur. Set clear boundaries—whether it’s turning off your phone after a certain hour or designating a workspace that’s separate from the rest of the house. This separation helps you be fully present in both areas of your life.

5. Practice Mindfulness

Being mindful doesn’t require hours of meditation. It can be as simple as taking a few deep breaths before reacting to a stressful situation, or truly savoring those few minutes of quiet you get in the shower. Mindfulness helps you stay grounded and appreciate the small moments, even in the chaos.

6. Embrace Imperfection

Let go of the idea that you need to be the perfect mom. This is a difficult pill to swallow but – there is no such thing. Your kids don’t need a mom who’s perfect; they need a mom who’s happy and healthy. Read that again: your child needs a mom who’s happy and healthy. Embrace the mess, the mistakes, and the imperfections—they’re all part of the journey. You will wake up one day to find that you have a tidier home with no more toys around the floor because your kids are all grown up. Enjoy this stage.

7. Reconnect with Your Passions

Remember what you loved to do before becoming a mom? Whether it was painting, reading, writing, or dancing, reconnect with those passions. They’re a part of who you are and can bring immense joy and fulfillment, which ultimately makes you a better mom.

8. Create a Support System

Surround yourself with other moms who get it—those who understand the struggles and the joys of motherhood. A strong support system can provide encouragement, advice, or simply a listening ear when you need to vent.

9. Make Time for Your Relationship

It’s easy to let your relationship take a back seat when you’re busy raising kids, but nurturing your relationship with your partner is crucial. Make time for date nights, even if it’s just watching a movie together after the kids are in bed. It is important find support and connection with your partner. A strong partnership will help you both navigate the ups and downs of parenting.

10. Give Yourself Grace

Some days you’ll feel like you have it all together, and other days you’ll feel like everything is falling apart. That’s okay. Give yourself grace and remember that you’re doing your best. It’s okay to have bad days, to ask for help, and to take a break when you need it.

Finding the balance between being a mom and maintaining your sense of self isn’t easy, but it’s absolutely possible. It requires intention, self-awareness, and a lot of trial and error. But by prioritizing your needs, setting boundaries, and embracing the beautiful chaos of motherhood, you can do it all—without losing yourself in the process. After all, a happy mom means a happy family. So take care of yourself, because you deserve it.